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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday = Funday

Today's Haul

Stop One: RiteAid
Total Value: $65.88
We Paid: $0.61
(99.07% savings)
And we received $7 worth of RiteAid bucks for next time!! Yahoo!

The Christmas goods are now on sale for 90% off. We'll have enough paper & tissue for next year :-)

Stop 2: CVS
Total Value: $78.89
We Paid: $21.65
(72.67% savings)
And received $12 back for next time.

The floss, Halls, and toothpaste were FREE!!

The makeup was 75% off paired with coupons they were between $0.37-$0.75 each.

We needed batteries and bought enough Puffs to give us a $10 coupon back

Dreams of Fish Oil

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